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Culinary Arts: Monkfish, stuffed razor clams and lemon sauce recipe

Hailing from the head table of the embassy, the chef at the Berceau des Sens, Cédric Bourassin, has acquired a unique experience which he shares with our students and customers in our gourmet restaurant.

Today we’re sharing one of his recipes publishes on the Gault & Millau website:


3kg monkfish tail (trimmed clean, about 1.4kg)

Razor clams

  • 1kg of XXL Jumbo razor clams

  • 200g onions

  • 100g shallots

  • ¼ bunch of parsley

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 0.5L white wine

  • Thyme

Shellfish velouté

  • 250g razor clam juice reduced and developed

  • 15g butter

  • 15g flour

  • 100g of cream 35% liquid

  • Breadcrumbs


  • 600g fresh peas (net weight)

  • 30 mini asparagus

  • 15 small onions stems

  • 1 sprig fresh thyme


  • 15 round radishes

  • Butter

  • Salt, pepper and sugar

  • White balsamic vinegar


  • Finished veal jus

  • The juice and zest of 2 lemons

  • The zest of 2 limes

Finishing touches

  • 2 marigold flowers

  • 1 box of Affilla Cress

  • Roasted pine nuts

  • Chive oil

  • Chopped chives



  • Skin and roll the monkfish.


  • Wash them thoroughly, then open them marinière style (without overcooking them).

  • Separate the clam head and check one by one if they are clean.

  • Cut them in chunks and set aside.

  • With the rest of the razor clam bodies, wash them one by one and chop them.

  • Sweat them in olive oil, add the rest of the shallots and onions, then the clam juices and cook for 30 minutes.

  • Filter and leave to settle to remove all traces of sand.


  • Reduce the jus to 250g then make a separate roux.

  • Bring it all together and add cream. Bring to a boil. Filter and cool.

  • Bind the chunks with the velouté then arrange in staggered rows. Sprinkle with bread crumbs.


  • Make a fine pea puree. In a casserole dish, quickly sweat the peas in olive oil, moisten by adding broth, add the thyme and season.

  • Cook thoroughly with the lid on.

  • Mix very quickly at the end of cooking and put on ice to retain the colour.

  • Trim and blanch the onions for 1 minute. Cut them in 2 then grill them on the griddle.


  • Trim them, cut them in half then blanch them for 1 minute in salted water.

  • Colour them face down then add the butter, sugar, salt and pepper, then glaze with the vinegar. MONKFISH

  • Make double portions (about 200g), then put in the oven at 83 ° C for 14 minutes.

  • Leave it to stand before serving.

  • Cut this portion in half (trim the ends), then add a few drops of lemon, olive oil, fleur de sel and Sarawak pepper.

Photo credit and content: Gault & Millau


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